The names of God are powerful because each name describes a different aspect and characteristic of God. Our names identify us but even more powerfully our names are also a prophetic declaration of what the name means. Parents have the job of naming their children. This is not a job to take lightly. When Adam names all the animals he spoke into their destiny of their identity and purpose. Each name of God is unique because each name also relates with us. We call God “Creator”because we are part of His creation. We call Jesus “Savior” because He saved us. We call Him “Redeemer” because He redeemed us. Jesus called the Holy Spirit “Counselor” because He counsels and teaches us as we grow in our relationship with Jesus. The names of God help us understand Him and how He works in and through us.
The Power of Jesus’ Names by Tony Evans is a book that goes over 12 names of Jesus separated into two parts. The first part, Power in His Positions, cover the names Immanuel, Alpha and Omega, King, Lamb of God, Great High Priest, and Sovereign. The second part, Power in His Person, cover the names I Am, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Son of Man, and Word. The introduction caught my attention. I loved a paragraph so much that I wanted to quote it here in my review. “Yet there is one name which has never passed and will never pass into oblivion—and that’s the name of Jesus. He never published a book, and yet there are more books written about Him than on any other subject. He never wrote a song, and yet there are more songs written about Him than any other person who lived. He never physically traveled more than 300 miles from the place of His birth, and yet there is virtually no place on earth you can go where people do not know His name. Our calendars are set by His entrance into human history. His notoriety only increases with time, although He’s been physically gone from earth for more than 2,000 years.” This describes Jesus with such a passionate love and truth. Tony Evans explains how Jesus Immanuel is with us. He is the complete revelation of God. Jesus is how God relates completely with humanity. Tony Evans describes thirteen names of God beyond just their definition. It is a book I highly recommend to anyone wanting to study the names of God.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the NetGalley book review program. https://www.netgalley.com/ I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”